Princess Princess
Princess Princess is a fictional series by Mikiyo Tsuda about the lives of three high school boys and the school they attend. It started as a manga in 2002 and has since been adapted into an anime and a live-action adaptation.
Princess Princess
Mikiyo Tsuda
fictional series
high school boys
School Life
Live-action adaptation
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Meisterwerk des Stils
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Ewige Dunkelheit
Paradiesische Freude
Sands of Destiny
Der Fluch des Wächters
Flüstern der Verdammten
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Das zweite Leben
Echoes of the Mind
The Enchanted Quest
The Power of Legends
The Spirit of Unity
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The Heritage Guardians
Heimliche Ambitionen
Die Hüter von Allahabad
Die verzauberten Abenteuer von Lily und Rose