Bus Gamer


Bus Gamer is a Japanese manga series created by Kazuya Minekura. It follows the story of three young men hired by a mysterious company to participate in a business game, where companies gamble against each other for corporate secrets. The game, known as the Bus Game, is a battle simulation game conducted in secrecy and takes place in Tokyo. The teams are divided into 'HOME' and 'AWAY,' and the objective is for the 'AWAY' team to steal a CD containing the 'HOME' team's corporation's secret files within a given time limit, while the 'HOME' team tries to protect the CD. The series consists of a single volume 'Pilot Edition' manga, a drama CD featuring the voice actors from the series, and a three-episode anime adaptation. The manga has been licensed for North American distribution by Tokyopop. The story explores themes of trust, teamwork, and the sacrifices people make for money. It portrays the characters' struggle to overcome their differences and work together despite their mistrust and conflicting personalities. The manga was discontinued after eleven published chapters, but the creator expressed interest in finishing the series. The anime adaptation aired in March 2008 and was directed by Naoyuki Kuzuya, produced by Frontier Works, and animated by Anpro. The artwork for the anime is done by Kazuya Minekura, the creator of the manga. The series combines action, strategy, and gambling elements, making it an exciting and unique story.