Absolute Boyfriend (絶対彼氏。, Zettai Kareshi) is a six-volume manga series by Yuu Watase, first serialized in Shōjo Comic. Chuang Yi licensed it for an English language release in Singapore, with the first volume released in March 2005. Viz Media licensed the series for an English release in North America, serializing the series in its Shojo Beat manga anthology as well as releasing the volumes.
The manga series was adapted into an 11-episode live-action drama series that aired in Japan in 2008.[2] A 13-episode Taiwanese adaption (絕對達令 Jue Dui Darling) aired in 2012, and a 40-episode South Korean adaptation aired in 2019 under the title My Absolute Boyfriend.[3][4]
Riiko Izawa has never had a bo....